What if there was an app that surf coaches and guides in Bali could use to promote their services?What if it allowed visitors to join the community and search for those services?What if members could connect, chat, post surf reports, plan and share experiences?...so we built SpoondriftSea spray whipped up by gusts of wind.FIND- New to surfing? Find an instructor to get you up on your feet.- Gifted amateur? Improve your skills with a top surf coach.- Dont want to surf alone? See whos up for the dawn patrol.CONNECT- Join the spoondrift community.- Create your profile - add badges.- Connect and build lifelong friendships, in and out of the water.SHARE- Want to explore a new spot? Find a friend to join you on your next adventure.- Not sure where to start? Hook up with a local to find that secret break.- Should I stay or should I go? Check out the conditions at your favourite spot.